
2021 Bitget Christmas Gift Giveaway

2021-12-10 10:450202


Bitget Global Users,

The most anticipated Christmas is just around the corner. We can feel the atmosphere almost everywhere. This year, Bitget has prepared you with a full range of Christmas gifts. Come join our "2021 Bitget Christmas Gift Giveaway" and celebrate the holiday with us. The detailed arrangement is as follows.

Period: December 12, 2021 23:00- December 26, 2021 23:00 (UTC+8)

Registration Link: https://www.bitget.com/en/christmas/


  1. For every 100,000 USDT traded in futures during the activity, users will get one chance to draw a prize;
  2. For new users registered during the activity, they will get two chances to draw a prize once they reached a tota l trading volume of 100,000 USDT for the first time.
  3. This will allow new users to have a maximum of four chances while the limit for other users is three times.

*Total trading volume of futures: The total trading volume of Futures (Former name: Unified Futures), Coin-margined futures (Former name: Quanto Swap Futures), and USDT-margined futures (Former name: USDT Futures).


  1. The prizes include Christmas gift boxes, hoodies, mugs, 50 USDT trial fund, iPhones, Supermarket coupons, Juventus T-shirts, Juventus soccers.
  2. Please contact Bitget Customer Support after the end of the activity to claim physical prizes, which will be shipped within 10 working days upon such communication. The actual arrival time may vary depending on countries and regions.
  3. The trial fund will be distributed within 7 working days after the winner list is released.


  1. Physical prize winners need to contact Bitget online Customer Support or email Customer Support within 15 days after the end of the activity. Those who fail to do so will be deemed as having waived the qualification for such prizes;
  2. The trial fund can be directly used to trade on Futures (including Copy Trade), to offset transaction fees/losses/funding fees, or to be used as margin to open positions. Learn more atHow to Use Futures Trial Fund;
  3. Users participating with the same IP address will be considered invalid;
  4. Bitget reserves the right to explain the activity and to deal with any cheating behavior of participants.

Bitget team

December 10, 2021.

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