Delisting information
Announcement for delisting of WBTC
2021-06-09 05:440313
Dear Bitget users:
At Bitget, we periodically review each digital asset we list to ensure that it continues to meet the high level of standard we expect. When a coin no longer meets this standard, we will review and potentially delist it. We believe this best protects all of our users.
Based on our most recent reviews, we have decided to delist and cease trading on all trading pairs for the following tokens at 10/06/2021 15:00 AM (UTC+8):
Please note:
- The exact trading pairs being removed are: WBTC/USDT.
- All trade orders will be automatically removed after trading ceases in each respective trading pair.
- Withdrawals of these coins from Bitget will continue to be supported until 10/06/2021 15:00 AM (UTC+8).
Thanks for your support!
Bitget Team
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