
Quanto Swap Contract Demo Account Elite Trading, Share 200,000USDT

2021-03-29 08:380173

Dear Bitget users:

Bitget has launched Quanto Swap Contract (Demo mode) on the web. Bitget has distributed 2000USDT simulation trial fund to the demo accounts of all registered users, and held the Quanto Swap Contract Demo Account Elite Trading, Share 200,000USDT event.

When: April 6-April 13, 2021 (UTC+8)

Click to Participate
Event 1: Trade and Share 100,000USDT

During the event, registered users need to successfully open at least 3 Quanto Swap Contract of the demo mode, and the ranking will be based on the individual profit rate of the registered users. The users with top 10 profit rate can share 100,000USDT prize pool.

Personal profit rate = (the current account equity of the demo mode — the initial account equity of the demo mode)/the initial account equity of the demo mode


Event 2 Beta Version Advising Elite, Share 100,000USDT

During the event, submit your excellent suggestions or product bugs on the Quanto Swap Contract Demo Mode in the google form, and Bitget will rank according to the number of adopted suggestions. The recommended number of the top 100 can divide the 100,000USDT prize pool.


Event Description

1. Please be sure to fill in the registration form to register for the event, otherwise you will not be able to get rewards;

2. Event rewards will be issued to the BTC/USDT contract account within 7 working days after the event ends after strict data review;

3. The contract experience fund can be used for direct contract transactions, and it can also be used to deduct transaction fees/losses/funding costs;

4. Bitget reserves the right to interpret the activity and the right to deal with the cheating behavior of users participating in the activity.

Bitget team

April 6 2021

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