Competitions and promotions

Bitget VIP fiat perks: Buy/deposit to earn BGB!

2025-03-14 03:0797461
Bitget VIP fiat perks: Buy/deposit to earn BGB! image 0
Unlock exclusive incentives: Claim a share of a 50,000 BGB campaign pool when you buy crypto with a credit/debit card or top up your fiat balance via bank deposit!
Promotion period: 2025/03/14 18:00 PM to 2025/03/28 18:00 PM UTC+8
Step 1: Register for the campaign via the Join button.
Step 2: Buy crypto with a credit/debit card, or top up your fiat balance via bank deposit.
Step 3: Instantly receive a share of the 50,000 BGB campaign pool.
Getting started
Terms and conditions
  1. To qualify, you must register for the promotion with your main account via the Join button and complete identity verification.
  2. This promotion is open to all new and existing VIP users making transactions via credit/debit card (including Visa, Mastercard, Google Pay and Apple Pay) or bank deposit.
  3. A total campaign pool of 50,000 BGB will be distributed instantly on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users who perform wash trading, bulk registration of accounts, or trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.
  5. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to amending, changing, or canceling the promotion without prior notice. For questions, contact [email protected].

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