
Bitget P2P Introduction

2024-08-22 09:39912419

Bitget P2P trading is a platform where Bitget users can trade local currencies for cryptocurrencies directly on their own terms.

Peer-to-peer or P2P, defines a model of computer network of equals between computers, which distribute and receive data or files. In this type of network, comparable to the client-server network, each client becomes a server. It means with Bitget P2P service, two users interact directly with each other on their own terms, without intermediation by any third party.

How it works

Peer-to-peer trading involves buying and selling crypto-currencies directly between users, without going through a third-party intermediary. Bitget P2P trading gives users more control over who they trade with, the price, the payment method, and the time of settlement.

If you want to purchase crypto via our latest P2P Trading functions, please follow these steps.

Bitget P2P Introduction image 0

If you want to sell crypto via our latest P2P Trading functions, please follow these steps.

Bitget P2P Introduction image 1

What is a P2P Advertisement?

Bitget P2P Merchant can create a deal with their preferred price to trade their crypto at and publish it on Bitget P2P marketplace. This broadcasted deal is called an “Advertisement”.

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