Account & Security

How to Log In Using QR Code on Bitget Web

2024-04-16 09:401829352

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you easily log in to your Bitget account on your computer/web via Bitget mobile app.

Step 1:

Go to [Login] page on Bitget website. You will see the QR code next to the login page.

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Step 2:

Make sure you have logged in your account on mobile app. Open your mobile app and tap the QR code icon which is located at top right of [Home] page.

How to Log In Using QR Code on Bitget Web image 1

Step 3:

Scan the QR code and tap on [Authorise Login] with Bitget mobile app.

How to Log In Using QR Code on Bitget Web image 2

Step 4:

If the QR code has expired on web, please refresh it to generate a new QR code.

And now you have successfully login on Bitget web without re-entering email/mobile, password and security code.