Terms of Services

Web3 User Agreement

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By directly or indirectly using Bitget Web3 services, you agree to and comply with the terms of this user agreement, including any modifications to this agreement that may be made by Bitget at any time. You confirm that you have carefully read and agreed to the following:

1. In accordance with local laws and regulations, you have full capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct and have sufficient knowledge and experience to fully understand the nature of the products you are going to trade as well as the risks that may occur.

2. You are the legal owner of the funds in your Bitget account. You must ensure that the source of your funds or assets is legitimate and that you do not use the platform for any purposes in violation of the law.

3. We have no obligation to verify your eligibility to use the services. By using the services, you confirm that you meet the legal age requirements in your jurisdiction and possess the necessary legal capacity to assume any liabilities and financial obligations. Should you lack the requisite qualifications to use our services, we shall not be held accountable for the outcomes arising from your use of the said services.

4. You should conduct your own research and exercise due diligence with regards to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or the authenticity, legality, and effectiveness of information. You shall be responsible for any resulting liabilities and losses. Unless explicitly required by laws and regulations, Bitget is under no obligation to conduct reviews of cryptocurrency information, trading activities, or other matters relevant to trading.

5. Bitget is solely a cryptocurrency exchange service platform provider, offering you the latest trading information for certain cryptocurrencies and facilitating cryptocurrency exchange services, and referencing information from other exchange platforms. You may also obtain this information directly from other exchanges or official websites, applications, DApps, and related sources of the respective cryptocurrencies. Additionally, you may also engage in negotiations and transactions with third-party users on cryptocurrency exchanges.

6. Bitget does not guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of the information on cryptocurrency websites, applications, and DApps. Therefore, Bitget shall bear no responsibility for this matter.

7. Bitget shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses caused by outdated information, network delays, Internet connectivity disruption, delay in data transfer, push notifications, or messages.

8. Bitget solely provides Bitget Web 3 services and is not involved in any of your transactions. Therefore, you must be prudent, identify the authenticity, legality, and effectiveness of crypto assets and information, and bear the responsibilities and liabilities within your jurisdiction.

9. Bitget will assist you in sharing relevant information with third parties of your interest or the exchange of cryptocurrency assets into other forms (including but not limited to market trends and trading updates), to facilitate your use of Bitget Web3 services for cryptocurrency exchanging.

10. By using the services, you are deemed to agree to the terms of the agreement by default and authorize Bitget to submit trading information. We do not guarantee the accuracy, effectiveness, timeliness, integrity, reliability, quality, legality, availability, and security of any trading information providers, project operators, or receivers.

11. During the use of our service, you will be charged certain service or transaction fees. You agree to and comply with our periodically announced and updated fee schedule.

12. The agreement is also occasionally applicable to services provided by third parties, in the course of utilizing our services. You acknowledge and agree that when using services provided by a third party, they may also charge you with service or transaction fees. These fees are directly collected by the third party, and you can find detailed fee information in the third party's provided documentation. Additionally, you will be responsible for any gas fees incurred by on-chain transactions on the blockchain. We support cross-chain transactions for over 220,000 tokens. Each transaction consists of multiple buying and selling steps. You are aware that there is a certain probability of transaction failure and a degree of uncertainty during the broadcasting process due to network congestion or instability.

13. You shall not engage in any unlawful activities through trading or the use of this agreement, including but not limited to illegal gambling, money laundering, fraud, blackmailing, extortion, funding terrorism, intellectual property infringement, abuse or violence, and any illegal behavior prohibited by the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that your transaction activities exhibit high risk, illegal intents, or unlawful behavior, we reserve the right to process relevant information, including but not limited to transactions and exchange data related to such unlawful activities. This may involve reporting to relevant law enforcement agencies in the jurisdiction where you reside. If such incidents are found, Bitget reserves the right to take any necessary measures, including but not limited to suspending your access to the service. Bitget shall not be liable for any resulting obligations or losses and reserves the right to pursue legal actions.

14. To use the services, you must adhere to the relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. If the country/region you are based in prohibits the use of similar services, your activities will not be protected, and any losses incurred during this period will be your sole responsibility.

15. You agree and acknowledge that Bitget has no control over the price, exchange rate, delivery, quality, security, legality, and other aspects of cryptocurrencies, and is not responsible for any resulting liabilities and consequences. You are at your own will to exchange and swap cryptocurrencies, and Bitget does not bear responsibility for third-party cryptocurrency services, information, prices, and exchange rates.

16. The trading of cryptocurrency assets is highly risky and therefore not suitable for the vast majority of people. You acknowledge and understand that an investment in cryptocurrency assets may result in the loss of some or all of your investment. Therefore, it is recommended that you decide your investment amount based on your capacity to withstand losses. You acknowledge and understand that crypto assets carry derivative risks. Hence, if you have any questions, you are advised to seek assistance from a financial advisor. Trading cryptocurrency assets may result in unpredictable risks not outlined in the agreement. As such, you are advised to carefully consider and use clear judgment in evaluating your financial situation and the risks outlined herein before making any decision to buy or sell cryptocurrency assets. Any losses resulting thereof shall be borne solely by you, and Bitget assumes no liability of any kind.

17. All opinions, information, discussions, analyses, prices, recommendations and other information on this website are general market commentary and do not constitute any investment advice. We will not be liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the above-mentioned information, including but not limited to any profit loss.

18. Bitget reserves the right to final interpretation within the scope of the law for any matters that have not been outlined.

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