Competitions and promotions

Bitget King's Cup Global Invitational (KCGI) FAQ

2023-08-12 02:0003311
  1. General questions about KCGI
  1. Spot trading competition
  1. Copy trading competition
  1. Demo trading competition
  1. Futures trading competition

General questions about KCGI
  1. What is the format of KCGI?

This year's KCGI consists of four major competitions: the demo trading competition, the futures trading competition, the futures copy trading competition, and the spot trading competition.

The spot trading and futures copy trading competitions are team competitions, the futures demo trading competition is an individual competition, while the futures trading competition is both a team and individual competition.

  1. How do I register for KCGI?

Head to the competition page to register. Users need to register for each competition separately.

  1. Are there any restrictions for KCGI?

The registration requirements are as follows:

  • Sub-accounts are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  • Market makers are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  • Accounts that have engaged in API trading in the past are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  • Only eligible users can participate. Specific regions or users may not be eligible in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements. Users are responsible for informing themselves about and complying with any restrictions and requirements for using Bitget trading services in their country/region.

4. How do I share my team link and invite people to join my team?

Enter the competition page and click on the “invite friends” button at the top of the page to share my team link.

  1. Will the profits generated before the start of KCGI be counted in the KCGI competition?

Profits from incomplete spot trading and futures trades will count for the futures trading competition and the spot trading competition. Only orders placed after the start of the competition are counted for the futures copy trading competition.

  1. Why haven't I received my rewards yet?

The rewards will be distributed to the winners' Bitget accounts within ten working days after the competition ends.

  1. Under what circumstances will a user be disqualified from KCGI?

Bitget reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, disqualify any individual found to be tampering with the KCGI competition, in violation of its rules, or acting in a manner that is unsportsmanlike or disruptive.

  1. If I have other questions regarding the competition, where can I get more information?

If your question is not answered in this FAQ, contact customer service.

Spot trading competition
  1. What is the spot trading competition?

Users will compete in teams and grab a share of 50,000 USDT based on their team spot trading volume!

  1. What are the requirements for participation in the spot trading competition?

Users must have a minimum net value of 100 USDT in spot assets at the time of registration.

  1. What is the team size requirement for the spot trading competition?

Each team in the spot trading competition must have a minimum of 5 members (including the captain).

  1. Are all spot trading pairs available on the platform eligible for the spot trading competition?

Spot trading includes margin trading, spot bot trading (margin trading counts the margin amount), and Convert. USDC/USDT, TUSD/USDT, DAI/USDT, CUSD/USDT, BUSD/USDT, CEUR/USDT, EURT/USDT, USDT/BRL, USDT/EUR, USDT/GBP, DAI/USDC, and other stablecoin pairs are not eligible.

  1. How do teams win rewards?

The top 10 teams based on total spot trading volume will receive rewards.

Futures copy trading competition
  1. What is the futures copy trading competition?

Users will compete in teams and follow elite traders in their teams to make futures copy trades. The total PnL of the top 10 team members is counted as the team PnL. The top 10 teams by PnL will grab a share of the prize pool based on their PnL.

  1. Are elite traders the only ones allowed to start a team?

Yes. Teams must be created by elite traders and cannot contain more than one elite trader.

  1. Can a user join more than one team?

Followers can join as many teams as they want.

  1. What is the team size requirement for the futures copy trading competition?

Each team in the copy trading competition must have a minimum of 10 members (including the captain).

  1. How do teams win rewards?

Only the top 10 teams with the highest overall PnL and a positive PnL are qualified to share the rewards.

Demo trading competition
  1. What is demo trading?

Demo trading is a virtual trading platform that simulates crypto trading but does not involve any real-world assets.

  1. How do I register for the demo trading competition?

Users can participate by registering between September 5, 10:00 AM to September 15, 10:00 AM (UTC+8).

  1. What is the format of the demo trading competition?

Users will compete on an individual basis. Users can register to receive 100,000 USDT in demo assets to trade at zero risk. Compete for profits and grab a share of the 20,000 USDT prize pool!

  1. How do I win rewards in the demo trading competition?

The top 10 participants in the demo trading competition with a positive PnL are eligible for the rewards.

  1. What can I do if I need more assets for demo trading?

Users can get up to 50,000 USDT in demo trading assets by inviting friends.

Futures trading competition
  1. What is the futures trading competition?

The futures trading competition consists of a team competition and an individual competition, with a prize pool of up to 2,500,000 USDT. Users can participate in both.

2. What are the requirements for participation in the futures trading competition?

Users must have a minimum net value of 300 USDT in futures assets at the time of registration.

3. Can I still participate if I've made copy trades?

Users who make copy trades or elite trades during the competition won't be eligible for the prize pool. Bitget recommends that users with elite trader accounts sign up for a new account to register for the competition.

4. Can I participate in the team competition and the individual competition at the same time?


5. Can I withdraw from my current team?

You are not allowed to leave your team.

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