Bitget Cultivates Blockchain Knowledge Among 2,000 Youth From 12 Global Cities In Crypto Experience Month 2024

About Bitget
Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 30 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team).
For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
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Risk Warning: Digital asset prices may fluctuate and experience price volatility. Only invest what you can afford to lose. The value of your investment may be impacted and it is possible that you may not achieve your financial goals or be able to recover your principal investment. You should always seek independent financial advice and consider your own financial experience and financial standing. Past performance is not a reliable measure of future performance. Bitget shall not be liable for any losses you may incur. Nothing here shall be construed as financial advice. For more information, see our Terms of Use .
- Press releaseBitget Lists Mubarak (MUBARAK) in the Innovation and Meme Zone Victoria, Seychelles, 17th March 2025 – Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has announced the listing of Mubarak (MUBARAK), a trending memecoin on BNB Chain, on its platform. Trading of MUBARAK/USDT will commence on 17 March 2025, 9:00 (UTC). On 15 March , Binance founder CZ posted a message on Binance Square titled "I'm going to meet a friend this weekend" with a Mubarak-related meme picture. After the post, MUBARAK rose by more than 150%, with a ma
- Press releaseBitget Lists Tutorial (TUT) in the Innovation and Meme Zone Victoria, Seychelles, 19th March 2025 – Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has announced the listing of Tutorial (TUT), a blockchain educational project on BNB Chain, on its platform. Trading of TUT/USDT starts on 18 March 2025, 14:00 (UTC). Tutorial is an AI educational tool designed to help people understand blockchain, cryptocurrency, and especially the BNB chain ecosystem. The first product, "Tutorial Agent", is an intelligent mentor that uses a
- Press releaseBitget Celebrates 1.5 million Downloads in February Victoria, Seychelles, 20 March 2025 – Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, proudly announces its position as the third most downloaded crypto exchange app worldwide in February 2025, according to data from SensorTower. With 1.57 million downloads, the platform trails only Binance and OKX in global rankings, further cementing its role as a key player in the digital asset industry. This milestone follows Bitget’s recent recognition as the #8 most trusted crypto