Spot Margin
Introduction to Bitget spot margin position voucher
2025-02-28 05:54095
1. What is spot margin position voucher?
Bitget's spot margin position voucher is launched to allow users to explore spot margin trading on Bitget at zero cost. By claiming and using the voucher, you can open a long or short margin position directly without needing to invest your funds (either by borrowing or transferring assets).
2. How to claim spot margin position vouchers?
On the homepage, go to Profile (top-right corner) > Coupons > Spot margin position voucher.
Alternatively, go to the margin trading page, click the Coupons icon (top-right corner), and find the spot margin position voucher.
On the homepage, tap the Profile icon (top left corner) > Coupons > Spot margin position voucher.
Alternatively, go to the margin trading page, tap the three-dot icon " ..." in the top-right corner, select Coupons Center from the menu, and find the spot margin position voucher.
How to get spot margin position vouchers:
Bitget randomly distributes spot margin position vouchers to lucky users daily.
You can also participate in our spot margin trading promotions to earn spot margin position vouchers.
3. How to use spot margin position vouchers
3.1 Claiming the voucher
In the Coupons Center, if your voucher status shows Use, it has been successfully claimed and is ready for use.
If you missed the claiming period and the status has changed to Expired, the voucher is no longer valid and cannot be claimed or used.
3.2 Using the voucher
Select the Use button to use the position voucher. Here's what you need to know:
Trading pair: The voucher now supports isolated margin mode. You can select from the supported trading pairs available for the voucher.
Direction: Use the voucher to open a long (buy) or short (sell) position.
Leverage: You can adjust the leverage when opening a position.
Order type: Market orders are used by default when opening a position.
Trading volume: Trading volume = margin × your leverage.
Margin: The margin amount provided by the position voucher.
Borrowing: Any portion of the order size that exceeds the margin will be borrowed automatically.
Take-profit target: When the preset take-profit target is reached, the position opened with the voucher will automatically close and settle.
Expiration: Ensure you use your vouchers before their expiration dates to avoid them becoming invalid.
Once a position voucher is used, you can view position details under the Position Vouchers tab on the spot margin trading page.

3. Voucher cost coverage
The voucher covers all costs associated with the position it opens, including transaction fees and interest on borrowed funds. In the event of liquidation, the liquidation fees are also covered by the voucher balance.
4. Settlement and invalidation
At settlement, the entire position opened with the voucher will be closed, and borrowed funds will be repaid in full. Partial closure or repayment is not allowed. You can either close the position individually or use the Quick Repay option.
Once settled, the position voucher's full amount will be invalidated. There could be several scenarios:
You choose to settle and terminate the voucher before its validity period ends.
The voucher’s validity period expires, triggering automatic settlement and invalidation.
The position opened with the voucher is liquidated.
The system's default take-profit target is reached, triggering automatic settlement.
Profit distribution and loss settlement:
Profit: After deducting the transaction fees and interest, any remaining profit from the position opened with the position voucher will be credited to your isolated margin account for the corresponding trading pair. Profit = position value (in USDT) after closing – initial value of position voucher.
Loss: If the position opened with the voucher incurs losses upon settlement, the voucher will bear the losses, and your account will not be affected.
(1) Bitget reserves the right to take action against accounts that display malicious behavior and to recover any losses.
(2) Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the rules and conditions governing position voucher usage.
(3) Users are encouraged to manage the risk ratio of their voucher positions carefully to maximize the benefits of the spot margin position voucher and enhance their understanding of margin trading techniques.