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How to Deposit EUR on Bitget - Web Tutorial

2024-05-03 08:420398

Here's the step-by-step procedures on how to deposit EUR via bank deposit on Bitget web.

Step 1:

Go to [Bank Deposit] from [Buy Crypto].

How to Deposit EUR on Bitget - Web Tutorial  image 0

Select [Deposit Fiat] and choose EUR as your fiat currency. The current EUR deposit method is [SEPA] transfer.

SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) is one of the cashless payment method in euro currency. On Bitget, this service is only available for users who have EU, Iceland, Norway, or Liechtenstein identification authentication.

Step 2:

Enter the amount of EUR you want to transfer and click [Next].

How to Deposit EUR on Bitget - Web Tutorial  image 1

Step 3:

Please make sure the payee account details has the same information with your online bank account (SEPA account). Next, proceed to click [Completed].

Bitget does not require any memo for the bank transfer. Please do not put any reference in the memo/remark in the process of payment to avoid any trigger of risk management.

To proceed to the next stage, click [Ok] or [Completed].

You will receive a notification and email once your deposit is successful.

Step 4:

If you want to check the status of your fiat deposit, click the clock icon next to [FAQ] on the top right.

How to Deposit EUR on Bitget - Web Tutorial  image 2

Or, you may go to [Fiat Order] > [Deposit (Withdrawal].

How to Deposit EUR on Bitget - Web Tutorial  image 3

Alternatively, please wait for a short while and check your EUR amount in [Spot Account].

FAQ about EUR deposit via SEPA:

1. How long does it take for my deposit to be credited into my Bitget account?

Arrival time: within 2 working days

*If your bank supports SEPA instant, the arrival time is almost immediate.

2. What is the transaction fee of EUR bank deposit via SEPA?

*Fee: 0 EUR.

3. What is the daily limit of transaction amount?

*Daily limit: 54250 USD

4. What is the transaction range amount per order?

*Per transaction: 16 USD ~ 54250 USD

5. What do I need to do after creating an order ?

After creating an order for deposit, you need to make a transfer through a bank app to deposit EUR. Payee Account Information will be displayed on the Bitget page with “Account Name”, “IBAN”, “SWIFT/BIC”, “Bank Country”, “Bank Name”, and “Bank Address”.

6. Can I pay from any bank account ?

Yes, you can pay from any SEPA supported bank account in the EEA and UK region.

7. In case of any issues with the transfer, how long will I be refunded?

Please contact your local bank for further assistance.

8. Can I transfer directly without placing an order on

The deposit will not be successful if the deposit is done without placing an order on Bitget.

9. What if I made a transfer different from the order amount?

The deposit will not be successful if the deposit amount does not match with the order amount on Bitget.

*All transaction amount, limit and fee are subjected to changes.