Bitget App
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Beginner's guide
New User Guide (2025): How To Download The Bitget App - Android Devices

New User Guide (2025): How To Download The Bitget App - Android Devices

2025-03-03 | 3m

Bitget offers a seamless and secure trading experience through our mobile app, where users can trade, manage assets, and stay updated on market trends anytime, anywhere. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to download and install the Bitget App on Android devices. Whether you’re a new user or transitioning from another platform, follow these instructions to get started with Bitget on your Android phones or tablets.

Step 1

Visit the Bitget App download site on your mobile devices then tap [Get it on Google Play] or [Explore it on AppGallery] to proceed.

Alternatively, you can scan the QR below and tap [Get it on Google Play] or [Explore it on AppGallery].

New User Guide (2025): How To Download The Bitget App - Android Devices image 0

Step 2

Look for the Bitget App in the Google Play Store/Huawei AppGallery and download it. Then return to your home screen and open the Bitget App and log in.

If you don't even have a Bitget account yet, we recommend you check out our New User Registration Guide (2025) .


If you do not see the Bitget App on your Google Play Store/Huawei AppGallery, you can install the Bitget App manually using the Bitget APK.

1. Access the Bitget App download link:

Visit the Bitget App download site and tap on [Android] as shown below. That is the Bitget APK file. If prompted with a security warning, tap [Download anyway] or [OK] to proceed.

We recommend using Google Chrome for downloading and installing the Bitget App. Since Chrome is pre-installed on most Android devices and supports direct APK downloads, it offers a convenient experience, and if you've installed an APK before, the necessary permissions might already be granted.

New User Guide (2025): How To Download The Bitget App - Android Devices image 1

However, if you have never installed an APK before or want to use another browser, you need to enable installations manually as follows:

Step 1: Open [Settings] on your Android device and go to [Apps & Notifications] (or simply [Apps]).

Step 2: Tap the three-dot menu in the top-right corner.

Step 3: Select [Special Access] then [Install Unknown Apps].

Step 4: Find and tap [Chrome] (or the browser you used for the download).

Step 5: Toggle [Allow from this source] to [ON].

2. Install the Bitget APK file:

Now that you have given your browser permission to install APK files, let's install the Bitget App.

Step 1: Open [Chrome] and tap the three-dot menu in the top-right corner.

Step 2: Select [Downloads] to locate the Bitget APK file. If you can't find it there, check the Downloads folder in your file manager.

Step 3: Tap the APK file, then select [Install].

Step 4: Wait for the installation to complete. The Bitget App should now be available in your app drawer.

Step 5: Open the Bitget App. You can now delete the Bitget APK file to free up storage—this won't affect the Bitget App.
