New User Guide (2025): How To Download The Bitget App - iOS Devices
Bitget offers a seamless and secure trading experience through our mobile app, where users can trade, manage assets, and stay updated on market trends anytime, anywhere. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to download and install the Bitget App on iOS devices. Whether you’re a new user or transitioning from another platform, follow these instructions to get started with Bitget on your iPhone or iPad.
Step 1
Visit the Bitget App download site on your mobile devices then tap [Download on the App Store] to proceed.
Alternatively, you can scan the QR below and tap [Download on the App Store].
Step 2
Look for the Bitget App in the App Store and download it. Then return to your home screen and open the Bitget App and log in.
If you don't even have a Bitget account yet, we recommend you check out our New User Registration Guide.
If you do not see the Bitget App on your App Store, you need to change the location of your Apple ID to another region.
Source: Apple Support
1. On your iPhone or iPad, open [Settings].
2. Tap your name on the top of the Settings' screen, then tap [Media & Purchases].
3. Tap [View Account]. You might be asked to sign in.
4. Tap [Country/Region], select the new Country/Region, then confirm the change. After reading the Terms & Conditions of that particular region, you need to agree with it and enter your payment method for the new AppStore.
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Troubleshooting